04/16/2024 / By News Editors
Who would or could have predicted that our own representatives in Congress would vote to allow the government to spy on American citizens without warrants?
(Article by Patricia McCarthy republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
We know that the Obama administration and his worker bees in the DOJ, FBI and CIA abused FISA throughout the Obama and Trump administrations.
The FBI alone used the intel database 278,000 times! Their illegal misuse of the FISA gave us the entirely fabricated Russia collusion hoax and destroyed numerous lives by implicating them in their scheme to destroy Trump. The Republicans in Congress know this and yet voted to perpetuate it!
The same betrayal is at work regarding the billions sent to Ukraine, Biden’s proxy war against Russia that is being fought to the death of every last Ukrainian fighter.
Why? Because those members of Congress all get rich off war. Defense industry lobbyists pay millions to buy those votes. But the war in Ukraine is lost. It is just a money-laundering operation now, one big grift.
As J.D. Vance wrote the other day, another $60 billion will make no difference. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is not remotely a champion of democracy; he’s a dictator, a puppet of the oligarchs. Ukraine has long been one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.
Biden sold his soul, if he ever had one, to the moneyed crooks of Ukraine and China to enrich himself. He demonstrates no allegiance to America or its founding principles. He and his partners in crime are protected by our unscrupulous agents of chaos in the DOJ, CIA and FBI. Those once lofty institutions, or so we thought, have all been co-opted by greed and anti-Americanism. They have let the WEF and the WHO have their way with the American people. That is what the pandemic and the vaccine mandates were all about. Who is paying them all to betray their own country, who, besides George Soros?
Then there is the war against Israel begun on October 7 by Hamas. That barbaric attack against innocents was the last straw for the Israeli people. Israel’s just war against that terrorist organization, elected and still wholly supported by the Palestinian people, must be fought until Hamas is finished. You do not negotiate with terrorists; you destroy them.
But is the Biden regime supporting Israel? With words, but not deeds. Like Obama, Biden hates Israel and its prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and has sabotaged the Jewish state relentlessly behind the scenes. The U.N., too, of course supports Hamas. UNWRA was radicalized by Yassir Arafat decades ago. And thanks to the Marxist indoctrination of our universities, thousands of ill-informed college students think it’s cool to support Hamas and demonize Israel and that they are superior beings for protesting in support of Hamas. It is sickening and pathetic that the Islamists are on their way to defeating the Judeo-Christian values that created Western civilization with the help of our own brainwashed youth.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under:
big government, chaos, conspiracy, corruption, deception, deep state, enslaved, fisa, globalists, Holy War, insanity, Israel, Israel-Hamas war, Joe Biden, Marxism, national security, Orwellian, police state, politics, Russia, Russia-Ukraine war, traitors, treason, twisted, Tyranny, Ukraine, White House, World War III, Xpost
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