WWIII News /wwiiinews WWIII News - WWIII Information Fri, 14 Apr 2017 16:42:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 Declassified list reveals U.S. targets Russia’s high density population centers with nuclear weapons… Russia likely does the same for the USA /wwiiinews/2017-04-14-declassified-list-reveals-u-s-targets-russias-high-density-population-centers-with-nuclear-weapons-russia-likely-does-the-same-for-the-usa.html Fri, 14 Apr 2017 16:42:08 +0000 There is an ongoing debate over whether the existence of nuclear weapons makes America a safer place or whether it puts our country in harm’s way. For the most part, the debate falls along party lines – that is to say, Republicans generally believe that maintaining a nuclear stockpile is necessary, while Democrats, including the former President, do not. But regardless of all the arguments for or against a nuclear arsenal, the fact of the matter is that the United States possesses roughly 6,800 nuclear warheads, second only to Russia, which is armed with about 7,000. Other countries don’t even come close to these figures – the United Kingdom has roughly 215 nuclear warheads, France has around 300, China has 260 and Israel has 80.

With nuclear arsenals of this scope and size, it is clear that a war between the United States and Russia would be nothing short of catastrophic. Given the fact that tensions between the two countries have been on the rise in recent days following President Trump’s air strikes on a Syrian airfield, many people are becoming worried that one day soon, those nuclear weapons could be used. Of course, such a conflict between the United States and Russia would force other countries like Iran, Syria and the United Kingdom to take action as well, potentially leading to a third world war.

As most people are already aware, the United States and Russia have never exactly been close allies. In December of 2015, the National Security Archive declassified a list from 1956 that detailed hundreds of Russian cities and airfields that would become targets in the event of a nuclear war. The nearly 800-page document, titled “Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959,” outlines over 1,200 cities in Russia and elsewhere, including Moscow, East Berlin, and Beijing, and also includes 1,100 airfields. William Burr from the National Security Archive describes the target list as the most detailed list ever released by the Air Force. “It’s disturbing, for sure, to see the population centers targeted,” Burr said, referencing the fact that most targets on the list had dense civilian populations.

Time Magazine also commented on the list, writing, “It’s clear that the plan so dryly laid out by US intelligence would have resulted in death and destruction unlike anything the world had or has ever seen.” It is worth noting that Time Magazine has developed something of a reputation for commentating from a left wing perspective. One could just as easily make the argument that the plan “so dryly laid out by U.S. intelligence” was actually necessary considering the circumstances at the time.

According to RT, the declassified document also calls for “systemic destruction” in the event of a nuclear war with Russia, and aimed to create a 60-megaton bomb, which would be 4000 times larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August of 1945.

Given the history of tension between the United States and Russia, it is not much of a stretch to assume that the Russians have a similar list of American targets they would strike in the event of a massive nuclear war. More than likely, such a list would include areas of the country with high populations like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia. (RELATED: Which U.S cities wold be targeted in the event of a nuclear war?)

Five separate strikes in these cities alone would affect the lives of roughly 18 million Americans, or 5.6 percent of the United States population. It is also likely that Russia has made plans for new types of nuclear weapons that could inflict far more damage than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Indeed, just last year Russia unveiled images of “Satan 2,” a nuclear missile that is capable of wiping out areas as big as the state of Texas.

For now, the entire world watches and waits to see what these two global superpowers will do next. Only time will tell. Stay informed about radiation fallout at Radiation.news.





Breaking: North Korean officials begin evacuation of Pyongyang: “Bomb shelters will not be able to accomodate entire population” /wwiiinews/2017-04-13-breaking-north-korean-officials-begin-evacuation-of-pyongyang-bomb-shelters-will-not-be-able-to-accomodate-entire-population.html Fri, 14 Apr 2017 03:16:23 +0000 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is preparing for nuclear war, according to a report released just moments ago at Pravda.ru.

(Article by Mac Slavo from thedailysheeple.com)

As the U.S. Naval fleet moves rapidly towards the Korean Peninsula and Kim Jong Un prepares to test a nuclear device promising a “day of the sun” in response to perceived U.S. aggression, some 600,000 residents of the North Korean Capital have been ordered to leave the city immediately.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered 25 percent of Pyongyang residents to leave the city immediately.

In accordance with the order, 600,000 people should be urgently evacuated. Experts note that the evacuation will most likely be conducted due to extremely strained tensions in relations with the United States of America.

Reportedly, Pyongyang’s bomb shelters will not be able to accommodate the entire population of the North Korean capital. Therefore, 600,000 people – mostly individuals with criminal records – will have to leave Pyongyang to let others use bomb shelters.

It was also said that one modified Ohio type rocket carrier carrying 154 Tomahawk type missiles on board joined the US Navy deployed near the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The missile carrier is expected to arrive at the port of registration on April 18.

Meanwhile, according to South Korean media, residents of the DPRK say goodbye to each other, to their homes, to their places of work, to forests and fields, to the sky, rivers, etc as if the nation prepares for a large-scale war. At the same time, it is forbidden to say goodbye to officers of law enforcement agencies. It is also strictly forbidden to mention the names of national leaders in words of farewell.

Read more at: thedailysheeple.com

The “Resistance” democrats are a terrorist party /wwiiinews/2017-04-13-the-resistance-democrats-are-a-terrorist-party.html Fri, 14 Apr 2017 03:13:00 +0000 What does #Resistance really mean? It means the overthrow of our government.

(Article by  Daniel Greenfield from frontpagemag.com )

In this century, Democrats rejected the outcomes of two presidential elections won by Republicans. After Bush won, they settled for accusing him of being a thief, an idiot, a liar, a draft dodger and a mass murderer. They fantasized about his assassination and there was talk of impeachment. But elected officials gritted their teeth and tried to get things done.

This time around it’s “radically” different.

The official position, from the Senate to the streets, is “Resistance.” Leftist media outlets are feeding the faithful a fantasy that President Trump will be brought down. There is fevered speculation about the 25th Amendment, a coup or impeachment due to whatever scandal has been manufactured last.

This fantasy is part clickbait. Leftist media outlets are feeding the worst impulses of their readers. But there is a bigger and more disturbing radical endgame.

The left can be roughly divided into moderates and radicals. The distinction doesn’t refer to outcome; both want very similar totalitarian societies with very little personal freedom and a great deal of government control. Instead it’s about the tactics that they use to get to that totalitarian system.

The “moderates” believe in working from within the system to transform the country into a leftist tyranny. The “radicals” believe that the system is so bad that it cannot even be employed for progressive ends. Instead it needs to be discredited and overthrown by radicalizing a revolutionary base.

Radicals radicalize moderates by discrediting the system they want to be a part of. Where moderates seek to impose a false consensus from within the system, radicals attack the system through violent protests and terrorism. Their goal is to set off a chain of confrontations that make it impossible to maintain civil society and polarize the backlash and chaos into consolidating the left for total war.

That is what “Resistance” actually means.

A similar program implemented in Europe, with a covert alliance between Communists and Nazis, led to the deaths of millions, the destruction of much of Europe and the temporary triumph of the left.

The radical left’s efforts in America caused death and destruction but, despite the sympathy of many liberals for terrorist groups such as the Weathermen and the Black Panthers, failed to escalate because the majority of Democrats and even liberals did not accept the premise that our system was illegitimate.

That began to change this century.

64% of Democrats insisted that President Bush had not been legitimately elected. 49% declared that he was not a legitimate president. 22% vowed never to accept him no matter what he might do.

After 9/11, over half of Democrats believed that Bush had known about or been involved in the attacks.

Anywhere from two-thirds to a quarter of the Democrats rejected the results of a presidential election, rejected the president and suspected him of conspiring to murder thousands of Americans.

 Read more at: frontpagemag.com

Obama trying to start WWIII before Jan. 20; feds “probe” Drudge Report with DDoS attack; NaturalNews and InfoWars targeted for cyber attack take downs /wwiiinews/2016-12-30-obama-trying-to-start-wwiii-before-jan-20-feds-probe-drudge-report-ddos-attack-naturalnews-infowars.html Fri, 30 Dec 2016 06:36:56 +0000 Excuse the brevity of this entry, but there’s not enough time to detail all the evil that’s unfolding right now. Suffice it to say that Obama is right now attempting to start a raging war before he leaves office. There are two types of attempts he’s making: 1) War with Russia, and 2) War against the American people. He’s also hoping to be part of a successful Marxist coup on January 20, but that’s very unlikely to go anywhere.

Obama is trying to start World War III before Jan. 20

Check DrudgeReport.com and Breitbart.com to stay up to speed on this. Paul Craig Roberts also has extremely important insight on what’s shaping up (he was part of the Reagan administration), and my own contacts inside the bureaucracy are signaling that Obama is “setting landmines across the bureaucracy” to function as sabotage trip wires that will blow up in President Trump’s face.

Barack Obama — who is quite literally a “sleeper cell” agent who has been trying to destroy America from day one — is now attempting to provoke Russia into military conflict. He has now begun expelling Russian diplomats from the USA as a cover story for the democrats’ completely fabricated “Russian hacking” conspiracy theory regarding the hacking of email accounts belonging to Jon Podesta and the DNC. (It was actually an inside job achieved by a Bernie Sanders supporter.)

Fortunately, it looks like Russia is mocking Obama for his incredible stupidity and not taking him seriously anymore. If cooler heads prevail in all this, Obama will be out of office in roughly 20 days, and a new President Trump will restore sane, stabilizing relations with Russia.

But until Jan. 20 comes, make no mistake that “traitor” Obama is trying to provoke Russia into an escalating conflict with the USA. This is deliberate, insane and deeply criminal. I’m already hearing whispers of desires to see Barack Obama arrested and charged with criminal acts of treason against the United States… yet it is doubtful that any such charges could really be leveled against a former President whose actions took place while he was in office (so don’t get your hopes up).

Nevertheless, it is increasingly apparent to an expanding number of people that Obama is an active traitor who has deliberately given aid to America’s enemies while destroying trust among America’s allies. (Just two words prove the assertion: 1) Iran. 2) Israel.)

DrudgeReport.com suffered 90 minute blackout due to DDoS attacks

Also today, the DrudgeReport.com website, which has remained a highly effective thorn in the side of the Obama regime, was taken offline for 90 minutes by a coordinated DDoS attack believed to have come from the U.S. government itself.

“A tweet from conservative media icon Matt Drudge’s verified Twitter account Thursday night appeared to accuse the government of interfering with his website, DrudgeReport.com, just hours after the Barack Obama administration announced new sanctions against Russia over election hacking,” reports IBtimes.com.

“Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT? Biggest DDoS since site’s inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing],” the tweet to Drudge’s 457,000 followers read.

Natural News warned it will be targeted for take down before President Trump is sworn in

A few weeks ago, InfoWars.com personnel received a threat that claimed their site would be taken down in a government censorship purge. Now, that same threat has been made to Natural News via channels I’m not yet ready to make public.

The threat asserts that many of the websites falsely labeled “Russian propaganda” by the fraudulent Washington Post story have been targeted for government take down action before President Obama leaves office — all while Obama signs hundreds of pardons to protect the criminals associated with the DNC and the Clinton crime family.

Right now, sites such as DrudgeReport.com and RT are being “probed” in what are called  “DDoS stress tests” to determine the level of DDoS traffic needed to bring down each site. This result is calculated into the “full assault plan” which will distribute government cyber attack resources across all the targeted sites in the most efficient manner, dedicating only the amount of DDoS traffic needed to bring down each site. This tactic, by the way, is something I’ve heard called “DDDoS” or “distributed-distributed denial-of-service” attack. It’s conducted at a scale that can only be achieved by nation states such as China, North Korea or the USA. In this case, it’s the USA, under Barack Obama, that would be engaging in cyber war against the independent media.

In effect, we may be looking at a situation where Barack Obama uses the full resources of the corrupt sectors of his regime to wage cyber warfare against independent journalism in order to halt the only remaining free press from warning Americans about what Obama is actually doing.

Natural News readers should prepare for our website to be subjected to heavy attacks, coordinated DDoS waves, and possibly even attempted DNS hijacking or (Obama) government confiscation of our hosting servers.

In case our DNS is taken over, you can access NaturalNews.com directly from any browser by typing in the following IP address:

You should write this down, physically, on a piece of paper and tape it to your monitor. If you ever notice that “NaturalNews.com” is not responding, try the IP address instead.

If Drudge, InfoWars and NaturalNews all go down, it means WAR has begun

Furthermore, if NaturalNews.com is deliberately taken down, you should interpret this as a sign that Obama is initiating a government war against the American people, and you would be wise to lock and load in preparation for the kind of Second Amendment activation that was designed to save the Republic from tyranny.

To be clear, yes, I am explicitly stating that a coordinated attack against independent media by the criminal Obama traitor should be interpreted as an act of WAR against America… the final stage of Obama’s long train of subversion to transform America into a Marxist police state under totalitarian control. Personally, I think he will fail in this effort, but like most radical leftists, he’s insane enough to try it! (FLASHBACK: Obama’s Department of Homeland Security purchases 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, including sniper rounds.)

We are now entering the most dangerous time for America since World War II

I fully realize that to the uninformed, these warnings may sound unbelievable, but to those working inside the system right now as part of the “counter coup” operation to save America from Obama’s last, desperate effort to destroy this nation, what I’m writing here is very well understood and widely known to be true. Those of you reading this from inside the FBI, CIA, DHS and NSA know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re on the side of America, I send you prayers for your strength and courage in protecting America for the next 20 days or so, after which things will significantly calm down.

If all goes well and the patriots inside the bureaucracy succeed in their mission, you will never know anything happened at all. There will be no take down of independent media websites, no war with Russia and no successful coup on Jan. 20. That is our desired outcome. We seek a peaceful transition of power to the Trump administration, where highly experienced and patriotic cabinet members will begin the arduous process of unwinding the Obama poison pills, time bombs and trip wires he has planted “across the bureaucracy.”

But make no mistake: Obama is an active, conscious traitor to America, and he’s not going to go away without sabotaging everything in sight on his way out. His targets absolutely include free speech websites that refused to surrender to his anti-American rhetoric and subversive actions. All legitimate free press publications in America — and their editors — are now at extreme risk for the next 20 days.

Check NaturalNews.com throughout each day. We are now publishing new stories several times throughout the day, and we’ll keep publishing as long as we are able. If we stop publishing or go offline for an extended period of time, you should quite rationally assume the worst.

WWIII? The US is threatening to shut down Russia’s electrical grid /wwiiinews/2016-11-11-wwiii-the-us-is-threatening-to-shut-down-russias-electrical-grid.html Fri, 11 Nov 2016 16:21:33 +0000 For weeks, the US has threatened to retaliate against Russia for allegedly hacking John Podesta’s email. Russia has denied the attack, and concrete evidence of their involvement has yet to surface. Joe Biden has confirmed that the US has made Vladimir Putin aware that our government would respond to Russia’s supposed threat at its own discretion.

NBC News reported on top secret documents outlining the US government’s plans to engage in cyber attacks against Russia’s civilian infrastructure. The documents claimed that the United States’ advanced cyber weapons are prepared to take down Russia’s entire power grid,  including telecommunication networks and even the Kremlin’s own command systems.

These reports were initially spawned by concerns that Russia might launch cyber attacks on November 8th to disrupt our election. While that did not happen, and there no evidence that suggests Russia has any ill intentions planned for the future, The US is still on the offensive — possibly trying to trigger World War 3.

While officials are assuring the media that if the US attacks, it will only be in response to an attack on us — the Clinton camp has been very quick to label many of it’s misfortunes as a Russian plot. Any attack against Russia will likely be seen as an act of war. On November 7th, it was reported that the US had already penetrated Russia’s networks  — supposedly in an effort to be prepared for any election day attacks on the homeland.

It seems that the majority of the concerns regarded negative information about Hillary Clinton spreading across the internet  and we all know how the powers that be bent over backwards to protect her image.

Russia now expects an explanation from US officials as to why there are reports indicating that Pentagon cyber-offensive specialists have hacked Russia’s power grids, telecommunications networks and the Kremlin’s command system. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, “If no official reaction from the American administration follows, it would mean state cyber-terrorism exists in the US. If the threats of the attack, which were published by the US media, are carried out, Moscow would be justified in charging Washington.”

It’s disturbing to see that NBC would report on the US penetration of crucial Russian infrastructure, knowing that possible repercussions may exist. Is this another step towards an ever-looming World War 3? We’ll see.





Emergency! Planet Close to WWIII (Video) /wwiiinews/2016-07-20-emergency-planet-close-to-wwiii.html Wed, 20 Jul 2016 18:51:41 +0000 Alex Jones breaks down the unprecedented, dire circumstances we are facing globally:

In case of an emergency, be prepared for survival.

The world goes on high alert as the US pushes for WWIII (Video) /wwiiinews/2016-04-29-the-world-goes-on-high-alert-as-the-us-pushes-for-wwiii-video.html Fri, 29 Apr 2016 16:44:33 +0000 The rights of the people are being chipped away. The US threatened Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices down. The Japanese people are suing the government. Poroshenko orders police into OSCE. Nuland pushing the President of Cyprus to keep out Russia and accept Turkish troops. Obama orders the Baltic countries, Germany and other to get ready for WWIII. The world is on high alert for the next war.

Mysterious boardgame cards that illustrated details of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, now predicting WWIII /wwiiinews/2016-04-19-mysterious-boardgame-cards-that-illustrated-details-of-the-911-terrorist-attacks-now-predicting-wwiii.html Tue, 19 Apr 2016 17:32:23 +0000 Numerous images sketched onto cards in a 1990s board game appear to have predicted several ominous events before they happened.

Steve Jackson’s Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy made its way onto the market in 1982 as a role playing game for people twelve and over. Players mask the role of a secret society, and draw cards as they plot to take over the world.

The Illuminati is a name given to many groups, both real and fictitious, which conspiracy theorists believe are attempting to establish a new world order, plucking the strings behind novels, movies, television shows, video games and more.

Some conspiracy theorists believe the game was created by the Illuminati itself, forecasting several catastrophic events the group launched against the world.

The “Terrorist Nuke” card, for example, depicts two towers, one of which is rocked by a large explosion gushing from its center. The picture has the ominous undertones of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The top of the tower wobbles, suggesting it is teetering on the brink of collapse.

September 11 terrorist nuke card

What makes the card particularly unnerving is that it was originally sketched in 1995, six years before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The Pentagon was also attacked that day after a commercial plane crashed into its side. Another card, titled “Pentagon,” depicts the U.S. defense HQ engulfed in flames.

Another card predicted the Pentagon attack the same day, conspiracists claim

According to one conspiracy theory, the planes served as a decoy on 9/11. In reality, the twin towers were brought down by nuclear devices that had been planted in advance.

In an article about the card game posted on CuttingEdge, a website which deals with the Biblical prophecy of The New World Order, the author notes:

“This card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail.

“The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers.

“The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as ‘terrorists.’

“The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they?

“Was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers?

“That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell.”

In regards to the Pentagon card, the author wrote: “When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin Tower picture, my blood froze! Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11.”

Conspiracy theorists also hold that the “Combined Disasters” card foretold the tsunami that sandblasted Japan in 2011. The card depicts the collapse of a clock tower as citizens scurry to escape the chaos behind them. Many believe the clock represents the Wako tower in the Ginza shopping district in Tokyo and predicted the 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

Waiko tower illuminati card

Another noteworthy card is the “Princess Di” card. Sporting a tiara and purple dress, she is surround by a blizzard of paparazzi. The card states Diana is “immune to attacks by your rivals’ Peaceful or Liberal groups…except for the media.”

Lady Diana illuminati card

The card doesn’t predict the demise of Diana; however, the fact that Diana died two years later in a high-speed car crash in an attempt to escape the paparazzi, makes the card particularly haunting.

The “World War 3” card takes the prize as the most disturbing cut from the deck. The card gives players the ability to launch a nuclear conflict to bring about the New World Order. The card is mostly engulfed by a mushroom cloud, suggesting the next world war will be a nuclear war.

World War 3 Illuminati card game

A different card predicts a giant asteroid colliding with Earth, and the last two cards depict the rise of the anti-Christ in wake of the Rapture.

Critics are not impressed by the card images. The Twin Towers, for instance, were subject to a smaller attack in 1993, two years before the 1995 version of the game came out. In addition, many of the events depicted in the cards are generic, and can be interpreted to reflect a wide range of debacles.

Nevertheless, skeptics won’t deter the folks at cutting edge. The author at the website writing about the card game concluded: “If ever you doubted that a global conspiracy could or did exist, you can doubt no longer. This game demonstrates both the existence of the conspiracy and its main details.”

Sources include:







Western bankers are provoking Russian into starting WWIII /wwiiinews/2016-02-22-western-bankers-are-provoking-russian-into-starting-wwiii.html Mon, 22 Feb 2016 11:30:43 +0000 Many have speculated about the possibility that the recent drop in oil prices was part of a ploy by Western bankers and governments to punish Vladimir Putin over his actions in Ukraine and challenges of NATO authority.

But there are some who see an even darker agenda. Is it possible that the West is deliberately pushing Russia into starting WWIII?

According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, it’s not just manipulated oil prices but also the cutting off of liquidity to Russian banks – two moves which he believes are designed to push Russia into a war with the West.

As frightening and reckless as that sounds, there seems to be solid evidence that this is indeed the case.

In a recent article, Hodges first compares the current situation to events leading up to WWII. He argues that Pearl Harbor was also the result of a deliberate plan:

This reminds me of the days before World War II in which the United States followed a doctrine called the eight point plan which was designed to provoke Japan into attacking America so Roosevelt could use this as the excuse to get involved in World War II.

That assertion may cause many to shake their heads in disbelief, but Hodges is not the first to suggest that this may have been the case. Many wars have been the result of manipulation behind the scenes — not just the ones of the 20th century.

Hodges goes on to ask his readership whether there has been any logical explanation for the recent drop in oil prices. A fair question in light of the fact that the price for crude oil has decreased by 50 percent in a matter of just a few months — and at a time of year when they normally spike.

It’s difficult to believe that, even if there were a “glut” of oil, as has been claimed, prices would drop so far and so fast.

And now there seems to be a concerted effort by Western bankers to ditch the ruble as a valid currency. As Hodges points out:

[B]rokers are now advising their clients that any existing Russian Ruble positions will be terminated without any further notice because of concerns related to the lack of Russian “capital controls. At least that is the excuse that Western banks are using to run from the Ruble. The truth of the matter is that the West has declared war on Russia and its BRICS partners for undermining the Petrodollar.

These two actions — the manipulation of oil prices and the ditching of the ruble — are, according to Hodges, “acts of war” against Russia.

His theory is that the drop in oil prices was not having the effect on Russia’s economy that had been hoped for. But, as he points out, these concerted actions are likely to have very “dire consequences.” Americans may be happy at the gas pump for now, but the future could quickly turn very bleak for the entire world.

Hodges also notes some “disturbing developments” which suggest that we may indeed be headed for something quite serious in the very near future. He points to reports that the U.S. has recently cancelled leaves for “critical military personnel,” effective on January 1, 2015.

He also reports that Schlumberger International — “the largest oilfield corporation in the world” — has instituted a travel ban for its personnel. The travel restrictions began right after Thanksgiving, and Hodges sees this as a sign that “something big” is about to happen that will be related to the oil industry.

In conclusion, Hodges predicts that the limits of Putin’s patience “will soon be exceeded.”

We can only hope and pray that he is mistaken.



WWIII could be fought with robotic exoskeletons; Russia, US compete to develop military exoskeletons /wwiiinews/2015-09-22-wwiii-could-be-fought-with-robotic-exoskeletons-russia-us-compete-to-develop-military-exoskeletons.html Tue, 22 Sep 2015 19:33:02 +0000 Observers and experts of military technological advancement have long known that the Great Powers are attempting to develop the next generation of warriors — combat soldiers who would be more machine than human.

To this end, there has been much experimentation with exoskeleton technology — a robotic suit, of sorts, that soldiers wear and which is capable of real-time, satellite-fed battle data management, as well as dramatically enhancing a soldier’s physical strengths and abilities.

In the U.S., exoskeletons are being developed by a number of defense contractors. Raytheon is building the Sarcos XOS 2, which, for now, mostly just does heavy lifting.

As reported by Engadget in 2010:

Though the XOS is obviously capable of some pretty fancy footwork and pummels a punching bag with ease, [Dr. Fraser] Smith laid out the reality for us right away: the military is looking for exoskeletons primarily to help reduce headcount by carrying heavy weights. The fewer folks it takes to load munitions into a truck and the longer soldiers can carry 120-pound packs, the more money the government’s willing to spend on those defense contracts.


Russian, U.S. development continues

Smith said more aggressive versions of exoskeletons were already “on the drawing board” — and again, that was more than four years ago.

In 2012, Army Technology reported that defense contractor Lockheed was developing the HULC exoskeleton. According to the Army tech news site:

Military exoskeleton suits, designed to fit around a dismounted soldier to give them almost-superhuman capabilities, can be fitted onto the body of a soldier in order to improve physical characteristics, such as strength or endurance, creating huge advantages for [both] combat and carrying out logistical tasks.


Like the Raytheon suit, the HULC is designed to take much of the physical stress and exertion out of soldiering. This includes loading ammo onto military vehicles without needing extra “loading” equipment, moving objects or vehicles that have been crippled or destroyed off the battlefield, and allowing soldiers to run far greater distances with much-reduced fatigue by transferring weight to the ground via powered titanium legs.

But the U.S. is not the only power developing exoskeletons. Russia is also working on them.

As reported by the news site Sputnik, Russia’s military defense industry is working on the development of a mind-controlled exoskeleton that would also massively enhance the physical capabilities of the country’s soldiers, as well as their endurance, and effectively many times over. In particular, an exoskeleton would enable troops to carry as much as 660 pounds of gear.


In particular, the website noted:

The Russian Army is set to receive mind-controlled exoskeletons.

The wearable robots will be controlled by brain waves and will increase the strength and endurance of the serviceman wearing it by several times.

Will exoskeletons decide future battles?

“I think that in about five years we will introduce a neuroelectronic interface which will control the exoskeletons and artificial limbs through the electrical potential of a human brain,” the head of the Medical Equipment Development and Manufacturing department of Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation, Aleksander Kulish, told the website.

The goal is the development of an all-encasing biomechanical suit that soldiers would wear, giving them superhuman capabilities, or combat robots — or both.

In any event, a future world war could see the widespread use of exoskeleton-wearing troops who would most likely have similar physical capabilities. That would mean that battles would still likely be decided the old-fashioned way: Whichever army employed the best tactics in the timeliest fashion will win. But again, that assumes each side’s robotic skeletons are similar in capability.

Already, exoskeletons are being used by military personnel — wounded warriors, in particular, as reported by ABC 7 in Chicago.





